Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar (UHN), Bali, Republic of Indonesia

Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar (UHN), Bali, Republic of Indonesia / Assistant Professor Sakdipong Sopachon and Mr. Thawon Worabut were assigned as representatives and were assigned the following responsibilities:

1. Serve as a Teaching Assistant (TA) to assist in classroom teaching in the responsible field of study or as assigned, stationed in the department.
2. Co-author academic articles with foreign professors related to the field of study.
3. Study Religious Studies, Social Work, and Educational Administration, and foster relationships.
4. Coordinate with one professor on behalf of the university to participate in the Mekong River Basin Monastic Outreach Capacity Development Program (January 6-13, 2025).
5. Other duties as assigned.